Gaming and hospitality firm Raving developed Raving Engineering, a custom solution to integrate software platforms across an organization.

With data in a modern and scalable warehouse, analysts can deliver consistent and insightful reporting to drive effective decision-making. As many organizations re-open with less staff, this tool can save not only hundreds of payroll hours, but help casinos make critical business decisions quickly in today’s uncertain business climate. This tool can be built and customized in as little as 90 days.

Raving client Michael A. Donovan, chief marketing officer and senior vice president, Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, has been working hand in hand with the Raving Engineering team. Donovan shared, “It’s tough to put a dollar amount to this yet but when we started the project we said if we can get 1 percent more efficient with our marketing spend, it would save us close to $1 million a year. I believe now that we’ve seen the capabilities of the warehouse, the program logic, the player dashboard and the reporting, we will be able to exceed that savings.

“Our biggest challenge as a property was the visibility into our numbers. Bringing together all our systems, having them live in one place, is critical to our long term success. Ultimately, our goal is to shift behavior though data. From a guest standpoint, the additional logic allows us to better reinvest in our customers, which hopefully drives additional trips. From our team here at the property, we want to improve their ability to evaluate customers. Instead of just focusing on revenue, now our team has a full picture of expenses, offers and profitability. All of these additions allow us to be more efficient today, while preparing us to face the challenges of tomorrow.”

Big data analytics and warehousing has flourished in other industries, so why has it taken so long for gaming to come up with an answer? According to Raving CEO Deana Scott, who has spent her career on the front lines as a senior marketing executive and GM for tribal casinos, “It’s the cost and lack of a customizable solution that can truly aggregate data into a simple, usable format. Analysts spend most of their time compiling reports instead of truly analyzing the business.

“Developed with the newest level of technology, security and industry-specific gaming insight, we’ve created a complete tool that compiles the data you need to quickly identify opportunities and create a precise reinvestment package. Plus it is scalable and affordable for smaller properties who can’t invest in a team of data scientists.”

Raving is building casino organizations a custom solution that provide:

  • COST SAVINGS: Saves organizations over hundreds of payroll hours with automation. Plus, a cost savings of over 30 percent compared to other warehouse systems;
  • DATA TRANSFORMATION: Consolidates multiple systems of data together so analysts can query quickly and easily;
  • FAST INSIGHTS: Deliver fast and consistent data on key metrics that impact effective decision-making; and
  • DATA SECURITY: Provide an emphasis on DevSecOps, best in class encryption, and granular monitoring.

“It has been so incredibly rewarding to build a tool that I know will help casinos make more money,” said Lynette O’Connell, Raving vice president of data science and operations. “In the past, I would spend hours – of often frustrating work – compiling data for one report. Now, I have access to the reports I need instantly. I have worked on many systems; now I have the time needed to evaluate results. It also gives access to all executives. No longer does only one person have the ability to evaluate the business.”